brooklyn bridge

brooklyn bridge

I thought I would share this photo of the brooklyn bridge I took form the brooklyn bridge Park.  It was under construction so I was not able to get more of the bridge in the photo.  I thought an old time look would look good.  I printed this photo and hung it above an old antique couch I have in the basement.  In the print you dont have the distracting building on the far left of the image.

July entry for Dwilkie

This is my July entry.  I have not been on a shoot for a while so this is it.  I title this “meeting for the first time”.  The image gives me the sense that she is going on a first date and meeting that person downtown.  Her head is kind of down like she is checking messages on her phone or something.  To me it gives a sense of romanticism.  With that said beat me up over it!  The only way to learn to take better photos!  It was shot at night so I turned it black and white with a little sepia to give it an older feel and mask some of the graininess.


ISO1600, F1.8, 1/60, 50mm